Captain Planet and the Planeteers Wiki
Captain Planet and the Planeteers Wiki
Isle of Solar Energy
Season 02, Episode 07
Air date October 26, 1991
Episode guide
The Ark
The Coral Killer

Isle of Solar Energy is the seventh episode in the second season of Captain Planet and the Planeteers.

Main Characters[]

The main characters featured in this episode are:

Plot Synopsis[]

None yet.

Episode Summary[]

None yet.

Planeteer Alerts[]

First Planeteer Alert

Gaia: The Sun is our greatest source of natural energy.
Linka: Someday, we may use sunlight to power everything.
Kwame: On a cold day, open the curtains and let in the sun's heat.
Gi: And on hot days, block out the sun and use your air conditioner left.
Captain Planet: The technology is here. We could build solar panels, hot water heaters, even solar cars. The more we shift to solar power, the healthier our planet will be. The Power is yours!

Second Planeteer Alert

Captain Planet: We all take energy for granted, but power has its price.
Gaia: Think about it. When you turn on your lights or stereo, you're using up energy.
Captain Planet: But you are also using up Earth's resources and contributing to pollution.
Kwame: We need energy, but we also need to use it wisely.
Gi: Don't waste it.
Linka: Turn off the lights and TV when you are not in the room.
Ma-Ti: The little things you do at home can make a big difference for our planet.
Wheeler: The power to save power is yours.

Significant Moments and Facts[]

None yet.


None yet.


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